Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Presidency

Well, the debate about the Supreme Court nominee Judge Roberts is heating up, so I figured that I should talk about politics.

This is my idea on how to elect the next president, and every president thereafter. Personally, I am not a big fan of politics. As a matter of fact, you could say that I hate politics and everything about it. From the crooked campaign finances to the false promises, to the symbolic act of voting, the whole thing makes me physically sick when someone tries to rope me into a political conversation.

So, here's my plan...

Enough with all this campaigning, the voting, and the electoral college. What this country needs is a Presidential Jeopardy Tournament of Champions.

Basically, it works out like this. Everyone can try out, but only say that top 500 make it onto the show. You run the show on tv for four years, and at the end of those 4 years, on election night, you have arguably the three smartest people in the country, playing Jeopardy in a vie for the presidency.

I don't see how this could possibly backfire. We would be sure to have a leader that would be educated, passionate (in order to learn all that stuff, you'd have to be), and hardworking. Notice that I didn't mention things like loyal, honest, open-minded. We're picking from our own flock here, so let's be realistic about the qualities our society embodies.

And if you're worried that some of the smartest people in our country are and always have been serial killers, maniacs with fantasies of world domination, and Mormons, don't worry, because I have another plan. An amendment to the Constitution which states:

If a 2/3 majority of Americans agree on a referendum ballot that the president is not performing his/her job to expectations, the president shall be taken into town square, shot in the head, and the person who placed second in the tournament shall take his place. (same rule also applies if the president dies of his own volition)

So that's my plan... Hey, I wouldn't mind having 2 wives...*Homer*: Chop, chop, dig, dig..

Ken Jennings in '08

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Welcome to the neighborhood

I have figured out that I got a little pissed off about once a week. At least, pissed off enough so I come on here and give you guys the 411. lol@myself.corn

There was a new reality show for ABC set to premiere in 2 weeks in which several non-white families and families with odd lifestyles, were competing to move into a white suburban neighborhood with the white neighbors "voting" them out each week.

You can see the link to the story here

What happened as is what is prototypical in this country as of late, the idiotic left-wing liberals got ahold of the show and protested it with the GLBT community. *Rush Limbaugh voice* My friends.... there is nothing worse than censorship. The only thing worse than conservative censorship (where I'm not allowed to see boobies) is liberal censorship (where I'm not allowed to hear the word "lesbo" on the E channel)

The liberal censorship applies to other channels as well. MTV, when they show a music video (2am) will bleep the word nigger, as said by black rappers. (Anyone who says there's a difference between nigger and nigga are really just splitting hairs and only fooling themselves by the way). fag, faggot, lesbo, donkey punch, petting zoo.... PETTING ZOO! Yes, it was actually bleeped on E. Reasoning? Petting zoos are cruel to animals.

This whole thing makes me want to do something drastic..... like take a big dump on the front steps of Viacom. Yes, I know that E! is not Viacom, but MTV is and they're just as bad...

So here are my suggestions for a new reality show: You move a white family, black family, hispanic entourage, arab family, and a couple of fruits into the same neighborhood, in close proximity, and just watch as they eliminate each other and themselves from the neighborhood. No voting, just real emotions and real interacial, interreligious and inter-homo/hetero hatred. Voting is overrated. We do it twice a year and act like it actually means something, and that's hard enough to make ourselves believe, but now we have to deal with this democratic process in every facet of society? I have to see it on my tv, and hear about it from some jerkoff who has nothing better to do than to watch "Dancing with the has-beens and never were's?"

I'm not blaming the broadcasters or even the developers of those shows for this one... at some point you have to take a look at society and realize... we have a countr... make that a WORLD full of fucking morons.

Go out and be the best moron you can be.