Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Challenge: Unplug

To those of you that believe that we are doing good things in the middle east with our dalliances in Iraq, I have one challenge for you. What I am asking you to do will not harm you nor will it unfairly change your viewpoints. Rather, my hypothesis is that your long since departed independent viewpoint will return to you with new poignancy.

I challenge all of you, regardless of political affiliation to unplug from the propaganda that the media bombards you with just for one month. 30 days. No 24-hour news channels, no newspapers, no political blogs, no nightly news, no political entertainment (see: Daily Show, etc), no political books. My belief is that upon doing this, you will gain objectivity that has been lost in the past decade of bombardment from an entire culture that is filled with biased sources.

You don't need to hear the opinions of talking heads in order for you to figure out the world around you, believe me. I promise that it won't be that painful, and you will be surprised at how large of a difference it can make in just your critical thinking skills.

Conservatives complain about the "liberal media" and liberals complain about the "Neo-con governmental propaganda delivery machine". The truth is somewhere in the middle. They will all say anything to increase ratings and they will all say whatever the powers that be tell them to say.

So do yourself a favor for the month of April. Unplug from the bullshit, enjoy the improving weather and tell me after 30 days that you want to go back to the talking heads.

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