Friday, April 25, 2008


I write this post with an extremely heavy heart today. Yesterday, in the late afternoon one of my fellow Miami graduates was killed by a police officer. What makes this even more depressing is that it happened in the seemingly impenetrable "Miami bubble" that is Oxford.

Let me be clear, I do not blame the officer, as he could not have possibly known that his taser would end up killing Kevin, but therein lies the problem.

Tasers are lethal weapons that are being handed out to officers all over the country and their training teaches them to use it as a replacement for lethal force. The problem is of course, is that this is a situation where the implementation varies greatly from the optimal use. If you give police a lethal weapon and tell them that it is not lethal, they will ultimately use it for things like submission and crowd control. By not acknowledging this, we are sentencing our friends, our family and ourselves to a death by electrocution in the middle of a dirty street with no judge or jury.

In the end, this is OUR fault. We are directly responsible for Kevin's death because we made "don't tase me bro!" a funny internet meme. We don't address the hundreds of deaths that have occurred just in the last year as a result of police-induced tasering. HUNDREDS. In a situation where one is too many, hundreds is overwhelming. One is unacceptable. It's time to speak up.

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