Monday, August 29, 2005

Back at Skool

So here I am back at Miami for another go-around. I don't quite know what to expect yet, because it seems that I usually start the semester off in relatively the same fashion... keep on top of things for 2 weeks and then get dreadfully and hopelessly behind.

But this semester... we'll see.

I don't want to make any predictions because honestly, my word doesn't mean anything anymore. I always say that I'm going to do something and then never follow through, so I'll save everyone the roller coaster ride.

My classes this semester are:

Management Information Systems 235 - The beginning of my minor in MIS... this class is basically just going to be details about Excel and Access... I'm looking forward to learning SQL and refining my database building though...

Sociology 262 - This was the one I was really worried about. The class title is Research Methods and I've been told on more than one occasion that it is a very difficult and demanding course. So far I am keeping up, and it seems to be material that I feel at home with learning. I am confident.

Philosophy 211 - Problems with God and Religion. For anyone who's never taken a Philosophy course, if you've had one philosophy professor, you've had them all. They use so much logic that it becomes illogical, and in the end you only find out what you already suspected to be so.

Intermediate Tennis - So far I really like this course.. I haven't played seriously since 8th grade, but my backhand needs work... right now it's more like a left-handed home run.

Anthropology 175 - Peoples of the world.. this seems like a really interesting class, and a really interesting teacher. He did field research in Russia just after the cold war ended, and anyone who knows me, knows my inexplicable facination with Russia. I contributed a lot to class last week, so I think my teacher likes me.

I'm also working at Miami about 20 hours a week for CASIT and the CAS computer labs...

As far as school is concerned I feel on top of everything, but it seems that my financial situation, personal life, and other outside forces are all a mess... you can't win em all I guess.

Argh Matey

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job said...
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