Friday, May 20, 2005

First Post

Well, here it is, my first post on my blog. I really wonder who has time to read these things. To me, it would be cool if someone reads my thoughts on a daily basis, but I'm not counting on it. I'm sure that I won't even be able to get my girlfriend to read this on a daily (or maybe even weekly) basis. She certainly wouldn't sit still to listen to me blather on if we were having a verbal conversation, so I don't see why she (or anyone else) would read this. Mainly it's for me, just a way of writing down my thoughts and feelings. It's sorta like a gay-ass journal, but even worse, because it's on the internet it's a dorky, gay-ass journal. Anyway, if anyone actually reads this, feel free to comment, enjoy yourself, and welcome to the gay-ass dork club!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Insert dorky gay-ass comment here. I can't get my girlfriend to read my blog either... I wouldn't worry about it.