Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Drunken Pilots

So here I am, going about my day as usual, and let me tell you, it's been a weird day, but this is definitely the weirdest thing I've seen...

I'm perusing the news on Yahoo! and I come across a story that says that 2 America West pilots have been convicted of the charge of "Operating an aircraft while intoxicated". Let me ask a question, because I seem to have something confused.... If you're going to make passengers wait for up to 2 hours through security and virtually give them an anal probe, how are you going to let 2 drunk pilots into a cockpit? 2!! And apparently according to the story, they were quite obviously drunk, even getting into arguments before getting on the plane.

Now, I flew America West no more than a month ago, and I thought that it was a pretty good airline... now I have nothing to base that on, since it was my first flight, but I would guess that if I had this information prior to getting on the plane, I might have been a little more nervous about it.

I'm glad I didn't know.

It's 24 Hours when you call it a day, be Frank and say "I did it my way"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No big deal... they tell us these planes fly themselves these days. Plus, you know how some people play pool better when they're drunk? Who says the rule doesn't apply to pilots, engineers, and nuclear technicians?